In the"Carnival" you and your group of four survivors find yourselves trapped in an eerie carnival, with the malevolent Clown of the Carnival lurking in the shadows. Insanity seeps in, and suspicions grow as you attempt to repair your broken radio and contact the outside world. Survival becomes a grueling challenge as you fend off nightly attacks by the Clown while guarding against betrayal, insanity, starvation, and death.
Game Objectives
Your objective as a survivor is to escape the cursed carnival by repairing the broken radio. To achieve this, you must search the carnival for the necessary radio parts, fix the radio, and safely transport it to the Radio Tower, all while maintaining your sanity.
Hidden Traitor
As a hidden traitor among the survivors, your goal is to sabotage their escape and drive them to insanity. You aim to either make all other survivors insane or be chosen as the one to transport the Fixed Radio to the Radio Tower. Traitors work independently and can choose to reveal themselves during the Defense Phase, taking their equipment with them to bolster the Clown's attack.
Revealed Traitor
The revealed traitor's objectives are aligned with the hidden traitor's, but they work openly with the Clown once their identity is revealed. The goal is to push all players to "0" sanity. Once revealed, they can't be chosen to transport the Fixed Radio. The Revealed Traitor's actions become overt, and they no longer occupy the survivor base.

Game Play

Players take on the roles of survivors or traitors.
The game proceeds in rounds, with distinct phases:
Day Phase
Survivors search for radio parts, scavenge for items, and strategize for the impending night phase. Hidden traitors subtly work to sabotage the survivors' efforts.
Night Phase
The Clown of the Carnival attacks, and players must defend the base while grappling with sanity loss. Traitors secretly hinder the defense.
Revealed Traitor Actions
Once revealed, the traitor's actions align with their objective of driving all players to insanity.
Game Mechanics
Sanity and Insanity
Sanity is a critical resource, with players needing to keep it from reaching "0" to escape. Insanity markers and tokens signify players' mental state, and various events may lead to sanity loss.
Radio Repair
Survivors need to find radio parts scattered across the carnival, repair the broken radio, and transport it safely to the Radio Tower.
Traitor Mechanics
Traitors, whether hidden or revealed, work to thwart the survivors. Hidden traitors work from within, while revealed traitors collaborate directly with the Clown.
Item Deck
Players can scavenge items from the item deck to aid in defense, repairs, or other survival tasks.
Revealed Traitor Abilities
The revealed traitor's actions and abilities change once their identity is exposed, allowing for more overt actions.

Game Flow
Each round is composed of the Deliberation, Search, and Defence phases, occurring consecutively.
During Deliberation, players discuss, plan, use special abilities, and arrange items within the base.
In the Search phase, players split up to explore different Locations in search of supplies and radio parts.
Revealed traitors reveal their Locations and can impact searching players' Sanity.
The Defence phase involves defending the base against the Clown's attacks. Players calculate Attack and Defence values to determine the outcome.
The game continues with a new round, repeating these phases until specific victory conditions are met.